NEWC welcomes Understand Horses as new member

We are delighted to welcome Understand Horses as a new member of NEWC. 

Understand Horses, is a course platform created to bring high-quality education to horse owners and equine professionals. Course contributors are all experts in their field – highly qualified professionals who are passionate about presenting practical, evidence-based information on a range of topics including horse behaviour, training, nutrition, physiology and welfare. Course content is updated when new research is published to ensure students are receiving the most up-to-date information available.

As an organisation, Understand Horses is passionate about educating the equestrian public about best practices and good welfare in all aspects of equine management and training. They have been working with equine welfare charities and organisations to provide high-quality continuing professional development for their staff and hold online courses and live events to educate horse owners and caretakers about how they can improve the management and training of their equines to improve their quality of life.

Find out more about Understand Horses and their course provision here:

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